Starting from $0 per month


Customizing UI and Design

Enhance Your Website with Custom Design Options in Cally

Customizing the design of your booking system is crucial for maintaining brand consistency and enhancing user experience. Cally provides extensive customization features that allow you to tailor its widgets to match your website seamlessly.

Importance of Design

We recognize the significant impact of design on user engagement and satisfaction. Cally’s design customization capabilities empower you to tailor the booking widgets precisely to your brand’s look and feel. This ensures a cohesive and professional appearance throughout your entire website.

Design Customization Options

Cally offers flexible customization options to adjust various aspects of the widget's appearance:

  • Color Palette: Align colors with your brand’s aesthetic by adjusting primary and accent colors.
  • Text Sizes: Modify text sizes for improved readability and visual hierarchy.
  • Button Styles: Customize button shapes, colors, and fonts to suit your design preferences.
  • Borders and Backgrounds: Change border styles and background colors to integrate smoothly with your site’s design.

For more advanced customization needs, Cally supports adding custom CSS, enabling you to achieve specific design tweaks beyond standard options.

Utilizing Existing Themes

Cally includes pre-existing design themes that seamlessly align with popular website themes, particularly those used on platforms like Shopify. These themes facilitate effortless integration, preserving your site's overall visual harmony and professionalism.

How to Customize Design in Cally

To customize the design of Cally widgets, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Design: Go to the ‘Design’ page within the Cally app.

  2. Modify Colors and Text: Adjust the color palette and text sizes to match your brand’s style.

  3. Customize Buttons and Backgrounds: Tailor button styles, borders, and background colors to seamlessly integrate with your website's design.

By leveraging Cally’s powerful design customization features, you can elevate the aesthetic appeal of your booking system while ensuring a cohesive user experience across your entire website.

Start your free trial now!

Install Cally into your Shopify store with just a few clicks.

  • 7 Days Trial

  • Starting from $0 per month