Starting from $0 per month


Customer Feedback

Enhance Customer Experience with Cally's Feedback Feature

Cally's Feedback Feature empowers businesses to gather valuable insights from customers through structured feedback forms, enhancing service quality and customer satisfaction. This feature includes two types of feedback: pre-checkout and post-booking, each strategically integrated into the customer journey to optimize business operations and improve customer experiences.

Understanding Cally's Feedback Feature

  1. Pre-Checkout Feedback: Before confirming their booking, customers are presented with a pre-checkout feedback form. This form allows businesses to gather initial insights from customers, such as preferences or specific requirements they may have before finalizing their booking.

  2. Post-Booking Feedback: After the appointment is completed, customers are prompted to provide post-booking feedback through their customer calendar widget. This feedback form allows customers to share their experience, rate the service provided, and provide detailed feedback on their overall satisfaction.

Setting Up Feedback Forms

  • Customizable Questions: Businesses have the flexibility to customize questions for both pre-checkout and post-booking feedback forms. This customization enables businesses to gather specific insights tailored to their service offerings and customer expectations.

  • Optional vs. Required: Depending on business preferences, questions in the feedback forms can be set as optional or required. Mandatory questions ensure that essential feedback is gathered, while optional questions allow customers to provide additional insights at their discretion.

Benefits for Businesses

  • Insightful Customer Data: Gather actionable data and insights directly from customers, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and improvements based on real-time feedback.

  • Enhanced Service Quality: Identify areas for improvement and address customer concerns promptly, enhancing service quality and overall customer satisfaction.

  • Personalized Customer Engagement: Tailor service offerings and customer interactions based on feedback, fostering personalized engagement and building long-term customer loyalty.

Operational Efficiency

  • Integrated Workflow: Seamlessly integrate feedback forms into the customer journey, from pre-booking considerations to post-service evaluations, streamlining operations and enhancing customer engagement.

  • Visibility and Transparency: Display customer feedback on the appointment details page, providing transparency and accountability for service quality and customer satisfaction metrics.


Cally's Feedback Feature equips businesses with powerful tools to gather, analyze, and leverage customer feedback effectively. By implementing structured feedback forms at strategic touchpoints in the customer journey, businesses can enhance service delivery, optimize operations, and foster continuous improvement initiatives. Embrace Cally's Feedback Feature to elevate customer experiences, drive business growth, and establish lasting relationships built on trust and satisfaction.

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  • Starting from $0 per month